了解一个丰富而富有挑战性的项目超出了课堂, Ellis offers abundant opportunities for students to develop their own sense of purpose and passion.
在艾利斯, 女孩们通过校园活动建立了牢固的友谊和终身的记忆, 事件, and customs that celebrate the culture of the School—and infuse plenty of fun into the regular routine. 无论是在遗产日享用令人垂涎的美食, 看低年级学生穿着万圣节服装在校园里游行, 或者把高中学生休息室改造成“颜色大战”, these beloved Ellis moments create an exciting and enthusiastic environment for students to connect with each other during the school day. 对老年人, 苏格兰裙销毁日, 高级午宴, 和毕业班日标志着他们在澳门新葡新京官方的时光结束的开始, 并成为他们踏上人生新篇章的难忘回忆.
在澳门新葡新京官方的第一年, every student is assigned to the Green or White team and they stay on the same team throughout their time at Ellis. 在每学年开始的时候, students participate in the Green and White games which are hosted by the Ellis Athletic Association. 过去的比赛包括接力赛、障碍赛和躲避球比赛.
遗产日是学校内不同文化的庆祝活动. Students are encouraged to wear clothing from countries that are a part of their heritage and share traditions with their peers. 在低年级, students participate in different activities throughout the day that teach them about cultures they may know nothing about. 然而,一天中最令人兴奋的部分是午餐. Parents from all divisions sign up to cook food from countries that they have ties to and bring it in for all students to enjoy. 对大多数学生来说,这一天被称为“一年中最好的一天”, 遗产日是澳门新葡新京官方没有人想错过的一天.
由澳门新葡新京官方家长协会主办, the 假日购物 happens every December and is a chance for 中学 students to sell items that they have made. Students join the Ellis Entrepreneurs club at the beginning of the year to learn how to price and sell items. Using that knowledge they create items from knitted hats to peppermint bark to jewelry to sell during the 假日购物.
As students head into their final year at Ellis they are granted 高级权限 to prepare them for the independence and responsibility that comes with being a college student. Students are allowed to wear their own clothes on Fridays until after 高级的早午餐 when they participate in 苏格兰裙销毁日. 一旦他们的短裙被完全解构, 高年级学生不用再穿校服上学了. 老年人还享有“来去自如”的特权. 如果学生没有课,他们不需要在校园里. 许多学生利用这一特权在白天去喝咖啡或吃午饭. 如果他们9点半前没有课.m. 或者下午1:30以后.m., seniors are allowed to come in a little later or leave early to pursue other experiences and outside passions.
每年万圣节前夕,学生们都有机会盛装打扮. 然而,万圣节的高潮是低年级的万圣节游行. Students from pre-kindergarten to grade 4—and even some daycare children—line up and parade through the Courtyard and Middle and 上学校 buildings so that older students, 家庭, 教职员工可以观看和庆祝他们的服装.
澳门新葡新京官方的艺术庆典, 美术节是两年一次的活动,以表演为特色, 示威活动, 和研讨会. 参与表演艺术的学生,如乐队, 管弦乐队, 《澳门官方老葡京》, 和舞蹈在表演中展示他们的才华一整天. Student work from visual arts classes is displayed throughout the School to encourage those attending to walk around campus and experience their work. 学生们还会进行艺术表演. 另外, the 艺术节ival is a time for faculty and students to showcase new technology and maker education methods that are integral to Ellis’ fine arts curriculum.
在返校舞会前一周举行, 精神周让学生们脱下校服,参加有趣的活动. 由澳门新葡新京官方体育协会和高年级学生会主办, 一周中的每一天都有不同的主题或活动. 一些主题包括打扮成双胞胎、某个角色或游客. 在一周结束时,每个年级都会参加颜色大战. 高年级学生给高年级的每个年级分配一种特定的颜色(澳门新葡新京官方绿、猕猴桃棕等).) and students work together to creatively decorate their entire grade level lounge with that color.
一年中最令人期待的日子之一, 高年级恶作剧日 is exactly as it sounds: a day where the seniors cause shenanigans in the 上学校. 对其他学生隐瞒了一个秘密, seniors spend weeks planning out the perfect pranks to pull on each grade level and faculty in the 上学校. 通常, the senior class picks an overall theme for the day and they keep their pranks in line with their chosen theme. Past themes have included “You’ve Been Roasted,” Camp Ellis, and CoachEllis (a play on Coachella). 恶作剧包括把新生休息室变成托儿所, 把狗带进来, 给老师的整张桌子包装礼物.
在澳门新葡新京官方效力多年之后, 学生们往往会对格子裙和一成不变的澳门新葡新京官方绿感到厌倦. 苏格兰裙销毁日 gives the seniors free reign to transform their Ellis uniform (typically a kilt) into another article of clothing or accessory. 学生们制作了围巾、遮盖的鞋子、相机带,甚至还有蝙蝠侠的斗篷和面具.
高年级早午餐标志着高年级毕业季的开始. 在奥克兰大学俱乐部举行, this rite of passage allows students and their parents to enjoy brunch alongside their sister class and hear speeches from the Head of School, 高中校长, 和他们选择的教员.
Students who have attended Ellis from kindergarten through grade 12 are known as Ellis “Lifers”. 而每个班只有几个人, 这群精英以在澳门新葡新京官方大学度过他们的整个学术生涯而感到自豪. 在他们高三的六月, 较低的学校 teachers put together a tea for the lifers to reconnect and reminisice about their time spent in 较低的学校. 茶会期间还播放了他们四年级低年级音乐表演的视频.
每年年底, all three divisions gather together to celebrate students’ achievements and send off grades 4, 8, 当他们进入下一个赛区时,他们会得到12分, 或者是他们生命中的一章. 在初中和高中的结束练习, 学生将获得由教师提名的奖项. 中学生获得社区杯和英语奖等奖项. 高中的学生获得了从英语奖到本杰明R. 费雪杯是颁发给对学校有突出贡献的学生的. 低年级学生在闭幕式上参加升学仪式. Each grade level has assigned spots in the auditorium and during the ceremony they move from their current seats to the next grade level.
今年最令人期待的事件之一, 毕业典礼 is a celebration of the senior class and their final goodbye from 澳门官方老葡京. The graduation ceremony is held in the Ellis courtyard and the entire Ellis community is invited to attend as the seniors receive their diplomas and officially become Ellis graduates.
Ellis is committed to supporting girls intellectually, emotionally, and physically as they mature. 我们知道,当一个学生有一个健康的思想, body, 还有精神——她准备好了,也很兴奋地去追求她的学术抱负. 在艾利斯, 我们的愿景是不仅为每一位学生提供优质的教育, but to nurture and develop the well-being of each individual girl so she can thrive in school and in life.
Ms. 苏珊 Osche
Ms. 凯伦 波伊尔
The 学校护士 supports and promotes students' physical health and wellness during school hours.
学校辅导员提供个性化的关注, 保密的咨询服务, 关于健康和保健的课堂教学, 家长教育, 小组会议, 并为澳门新葡新京官方的女孩提供适当的发展指导. 无论是身体形象, 的饮食习惯, 家庭的压力, 或者缓解压力, the counselor provides tools and suggests strategies that teach students how to set boundaries, 减轻压力, 解决冲突, 树立信心, 为自己说话. 除了独立指导, 辅导员提供家长和家庭咨询, 补充支持资源和转介, 过渡及干预服务, 以及健康课程和咨询项目的合作教学.
澳门官方老葡京 is committed to providing individual counseling and support services across divisions to serve the social and emotional health of students.
每个学生都可以从学校辅导员那里得到个性化的关注, 用于持续支持或一次性护理, 因为他们认识到并追求他们的学术和个人目标. The counseling office operates a confidential and open-door policy that is part of the circle of care at Ellis.
校服是社区的声明,也是学校的校训, Esse Quam Videri是,而不是看起来. 在澳门新葡新京官方,我们更看重女孩的内在品质,而不是外表. 穿上制服,女孩立刻就有了归属感——她是社区的一部分. She is freed from focusing on her appearance and instead directs her attention to matters of substance. 她可以找到自己内心的声音,专注于她的学习,成为她应该成为的人. 穿着澳门新葡新京官方队的制服意味着对球队的骄傲. 在初中和初中, 制服整洁, 舒适的, 和灵活的, 鼓励积极的游戏和学习. 高中校服, 有更广泛的选择, 提供每个女孩微妙和创造性的方式来表达她的个人风格和学校精神.